Rocca Brivio
andreaa ANASTASIA klaudia
pancea zif kolbyk
Beyond the gates of seduction

Photography by Fabio Nosotti


Make-up & Hair by  Laura Martucci. Lyrics by Stefano Bortolussi


Styling by  Lara Bonardi. Assistence & Logistic by Damiano Zanderighi

Thanks to  Next Model Management, Milano.

A special thanks to Alberto Principessa and Ivana Cadei.

Location: Rocca Brivio, via Rocca Brivio 10, San Giuliano Milanese (MI) Thanks to : Grandi Eventi s.r.l.,  

It looks like they could be stopped by wrought iron,







no one knows

where, but the

next instant they

are past it, they’ve


become spring Nymphs and they stop at

 the magic circle on the green, playing


 with water, air and nocturnal colors ;


then they are inside, white of veils and


feathers, next to the signs of travel and


time, while behind them the extinguished

hearth  tells stories of ages and evenings

past. And when the shadows join the  


stains on the walls they are in black,


priestesses of an unknown rite on an 

altar which is sacred only to beauty,

and the jewels they flaunt seem to  

announce what only later, seductive,

will stand out against

the black backdrop of night.



All images and texts are copyright protected. Fabio Nosotti photography 2015..